
Vanguard University Advancement / Custom Website

 In preparation for the Fall 2021 school year, 454 Creative worked with Vanguard University’s Advancement Team to build an all-new, custom website to promote the school’s strategic initiatives. 


Vanguard University, located in Costa Mesa, CA, is a private, Christian, comprehensive university of liberal arts and professional studies equipping students for a Spirit-empowered life of Christ-centered leadership and service. With 100 years of history and legacy, the University is ready to embark on a new century with key initiatives and strategic vision for the future. 

The University's Advancement Team, which oversees a broad range of responsibilities, from alumni relations to fundraising, needed a fresh medium to tell the present-day stories of student success and future dreams of the school. Limited by their current content management system, and an out-dated design, the Vanguard Team invited 454 Creative to create an all new Advancement website to aid in their storytelling and donor development. 

As a part of our Website Roadmap meeting, we explored all the needs of the new website, the challenges of the old site, defined the required site architecture, wireframes and site navigation. Working closely with the Advancement Team, we designed an all-new, fully-custom, WordPress site with custom post-types and content blocks for highlighting the University’s master plan and fundraising initiatives.  The Vanguard Advancement Team carefully crafted the images and content to go alongside the new site, and it was a successful partnership between our teams to launch the site on 454 Creative web hosting services. 

Being Vanguard Alum ourselves, this was a project close to our hearts (go Lions)! We are passionate about higher education and love the opportunities we get to build healthy admissions pipelines for schools, and build them awesome websites. If you're interested in starting a website project or higher education campaign with 454 Creative, reach out to our team.