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Defining the Marketing Role

Sep 28, 2020

Defining the Marketing Role

Properly defining the marketing role is essential for organizational growth, clarity and accountability. Because many executives and business owners struggle to define the scope of the marketing role, often the skewed expectations of process, accountability and outcome lead to a frustrated marketing team, high turnover and, worse, stalled or negative organizational growth.

Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) are increasingly being asked to drive revenue growth objectives, including accountability objectives in lead generation, pipeline value, growth initiatives, and/or cost savings. However, they often remain disconnected from decisions in product development, sales or customer experience.

So what is the appropriate role of the marketer? And what types of marketing roles and marketing leaders exist? Paul Bresenden, President of 454 Creative, brings some clarity to the conversation with the white paper Defining the Marketing Role. This 5-minute read is worth your time if you’ve wrestled with these issues and could use some guidance.  

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Defining the Marketing Role by Photo of Paul BresendenPaul Bresenden in Lean Marketing Institute

Tagged with marketing, best practices, social marketing

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