Quality Website Code Matters
Jun 06, 2012

Chances are high that you are not fluent in web coding standards and are more than happy to place the technical process of writing code on the backburner to focus exclusively on flashy design elements.
Big mistake. If you’re code is not standards compliant, you could be in for a host of troubles. Here's why:
1. Your website might look differently or not work at all for some people.
Just because your website looks fine on your computer, doesn’t mean it looks the same for other people. Differences between Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari can all process your web code differently.
Poor quality code can render your website unusable for people using a different operating system or browser version.
2. You might become invisible to iPhones, iPads or other mobile devices.
Mobile web browsing is growing in leaps and bounds. This year, almost half of all cell phone users will be using smart phone devices. Poor coding and use of Flash media can make your web content invisible to mobile users. Mobile compatibility is no longer a value added feature; it is a business imperative.
3. Coding errors may hide your page content from Search Engines.
Search engine spiders function as basic text browsers. While modern browsers can compensate for a lot of mistakes, a search engine spider may not be so forgiving. Coding errors may hide large amounts of your page content from search engines - even though human visitors see the content with no problem.
Quality code matters. Cutting corners on code development is a rookie mistake. Here’s a simple test: run a code validation test to see if your website is compliant. If you don’t pass, give us a call. We’re here to help!
Quality Website Code Matters by Paul Bresenden in Lean Marketing Framework & CEO Coaching & Marketing Playbook
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