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Our CEO’s Must-Read Book Recommendations

Sep 10, 2018

Our CEO’s Must-Read Book Recommendations

Many CEO's have an incredible obsession with learning. Our CEO, Paul Bresenden, is no exception. On average, PB reads a new book every week. Here are his “must-read” recommendations for 2018.

Profit First – Mike Machalowicz

Transform your business from a cash-eating machine monster to a money-making machine.

PB Says: This book has trouble staying in our office because its frequently gifted to every business owner as they finish a meeting. Profit First is an operational concept that has literally transformed how we look at revenue and cash management. It has brought me immense clarity on how to run the business, make financial decisions, and build a simple system that gives insight to our team on compensation and bonus structure. 

Building A Story Brand – Donald Miller

Clarify your message so customers will listen. Use the 7 elements of great storytelling to grow your business.

PB Says: It’s amazing how often we get our own messaging painfully wrong. Donald Miller brings some golden wisdom on how to shape your company story in a way that’s clear, compelling, and customer-centric.  One of my favorite insights that gets shared frequently is that we are not the hero in the story; our customer is the hero. Your company should be the guide that leads the customer to achieve their success. It makes for a far more compelling story and effective marketing.

The Business of Expertise – David C. Baker

How entrepreneurial experts convert insight to impact and wealth.

PB Says: David’s primary audience is agency owners and expert practitioners, but the insight is so applicable for any expertise-driven entrepreneur. His masterful insight into positioning (generalist vs. specialist), understanding value creation, and building a successful company are refreshingly spot-on and actionable. David is one of my most respected thought leaders in our field and his book and podcast are on my short list of favorites.

We love to share! Please connect with your marketing manager if one of these sparks your interest. We will gladly send one your way free of charge!

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