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The Biggest Changes with Digital Ads in 2024

The Biggest Changes with Digital Ads in 2024

Feb 14, 2024 by Photo of 454 Creative454 Creative in Digital Marketing

Paul and Chad are back for another Marketing Moments Podcast! As we continue to dive into important marketing changes companies should know about in 2024, we took some time to focus on the evolving landscape of Digital Ads. Here are some trends that will reshape the way we reach and engage with our target audience through ads.

Keeping Up With Google: Coming Changes to Google Analytics

Keeping Up With Google: Coming Changes to Google Analytics

Apr 20, 2022 in Digital Marketing

Some of you may have heard about the upcoming changes to Google Analytics, and the company’s encouragement to upgrade to the latest version of their popular data platform. But, for those of you non-techies out there, what’s it all about? And what needs to be done to stay up-to-date?

Making Sense of SEO

Making Sense of SEO

Feb 16, 2021 in Marketing Playbook

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) remains one of the top requests for digital marketing professionals today.  I find the topic to be full of snake oil salesmanship, with countless hours and dollars invested in efforts that will never yield a semblance of return on investment.  So what is SEO, what makes it effective and how do you properly execute a great SEO strategy?

The Importance of Being “Mobile Friendly”

The Importance of Being “Mobile Friendly”

Apr 23, 2015 by Photo of Paul BresendenPaul Bresenden in Lean Marketing Framework

On April 21st 2015, Google updated their search algorithms to include a site’s “mobile-friendliness” as a large factor in search ranking. In plain English, this means that some sites will show up less often if they aren’t as easy to read or use on mobile phones. 

Panda, Penguin, and Pigeon

Panda, Penguin, and Pigeon

Aug 18, 2014 in Lean Marketing Framework

Google’s search algorithm can seem like a wild animal, unpredictable in nature and constantly shifting. Over the past few years, users may have noticed their search results change a bit, as the way in which Google serves results has gone through some significant improvements.